26th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey

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Aprelion Healthcare This month, HIMSS released the 26th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey, which gathers opinions of IT professionals in healthcare provider organizations regarding their use of technology.
The survey revealed that 72 percent of respondents report that consumer and patient considerations, such as patient engagement, satisfaction and quality of care will have a major impact on their organization’s strategic efforts over the next two years.

Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of the 330 respondents to the 26th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey indicated that consumer and patient considerations, such as patient engagement, satisfaction and quality of care would be the business issue that would most impact their organization over the course of the next two years. Indeed, 87 percent of respondents indicated that patient satisfaction will be the top priority at their organization in the course of the next 12 months. – 26th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey

This infographic illustrates the key findings:


Click here to read the full 26th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey.